not working

Welcome 🌷

It's time we innovate code for
the better.

🖥️ Aspiring software engineer ecstatic to learn and build projects reflecting my unique perspective and love for creativity

🧠 I hope to not only understand user behavior, but also enhance the usability and accesibility of websites.

Things I Can Do

  • Java
  • Studying Python
  • Figma
  • Film Photography
  • Shadow clone technique

A Few Accomplishments

Here are some of my accomplishment. Check out more projects on my github (:


Won most Innovative Hack for FemmeHacks: Worked with 3 people to create a map highlighting nearby gender-neutral bathrooms.

Dismantling Fast Fashion

Spent over 10 hours Designing and developing an website highlighting what Fast Fashion is and what we can do to make collective change

Contact Me

Reach out to me with any project inquiries or opportunities